Thanksgiving Dinner We’re preparing the perfect Thanksgiving Dinner that you can pick up before Thanksgiving or that we can deliver to you! We’ll need your order by Monday, November 21st Call us at 359-5280 or order online by clicking the link below. You can pick up your dinner or we will deliver to you on […]
Archives for November 2016
A New Neighbor…
park-street-hotelWe’re very excited about the Tupper Lake Crossroads Hotel proposed for Park Street! Check out their Facebook page and click ‘Like’!
WDF Cares supports Mac Safe Ride - Sunday, November 13th
Our December WDF Cares Fundraising Brunch will be held on Sunday, December 11th from 11am-1pm at our store. We’ve teamed up with the folks at the Kiwanis Club of Tupper Lake to support the ‘Castle of Toys’ drive to provide toys for the holidays to kids in Tupper Lake.