We are excited to announce our free delivery service to local businesses and groups in Tupper Lake!
Delivery will be available Monday through Saturday 10am - 2pm.
Here are some highlights:
- Free Delivery for orders totaling $100 or more from a business, group or organization.
- Daily specials, soups and all lunch options are posted online at welldressedfood.com/order and on our iphone/ipad/android app.
- Orders can be submitted online via our website, our smartphone apps, by fax or by phone.
- Orders must be received before 11am, all orders will be delivered at the same time.
- Payments can be made in several ways
- Cash, check or credit/debit card for the entire order at delivery
- Credit/debit card, online by each individual ordering
- Credit/debit card, cash or check, at delivery by each individual ordering
The online app will let you know what current delivery areas are covered (call the shop with any questions).
Click here to print our current menu
Get the app to place & pay for your order from your iPhone, iPad or Android device