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“Well Dressed Food has creatively combined the best North Country ingredients into unique products that are just wonderful. The conserves and honeys are delicious on so many things, and the entire product line makes it easy to entertain in true Adirondack style.”

Beverly Reedy
Author, ”Beverly's Best: A Distinctive Saratoga Springs Cookbook”
Chef & owner, Beverly's Specialty Foods, Saratoga Springs, NY


"As the owner of a specialty food business and a self-proclaimed “foodie,” I am a pretty tough critic. Well Dressed Food's line of nuts, granola and conserves are fabulous! A real treat for your taste buds, they are flavorful and easy to serve, and are truly a great addition to the Adirondack region's food offerings.”

Katie Camarro
Owner, Greenfield's Greatest Food Company Inc., Greenfield Center NY
Producer of Sundaes Best Hot Fudge Sauce


“Congratulations to Well Dressed Food, the most successful new exhibitor at the 2007 Buyer Days show. Their professionally designed marketing materials were eye-catching and well designed, and their packaging is designed with the shop owner in mind - vacuumed packed and transparent to tempt the customer directly. Well Dressed Food is definitely a company to watch!”

Nadia Korths
Craft Programs Coordinator, Adirondack North Country Assoc. -






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