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Part # Product Name Price In Stock Qty
1001 Adirondack Crunchy Granola $7.25
1017 Angler's Outing $75.00
1012 Apple Butter with Adirondack Honey Cream $7.50
1011 Apple Butter with Maple Syrup $7.50
1016 Breakfast at Camp Sagamore $55.00
1005 Buffalo Wing Cashews 12 oz. $14.50
1004 Buffalo Wing Cashews 6oz. $7.25
1013 Chocolate Moose $9.95
1015 Cocktails at Camp Santanoni $55.00
1009 Cranberry-Apple Conserve $7.00
1018 Dessert at Camp Topridge $55.00
1014 Hot Tomato Jam $7.95
1019 Invitation to Camp $25.00
1003 Pecan Pie Pecans 12 oz. $14.50
1002 Pecan Pie Pecans 6 oz. $7.25
1007 Pecans in Adirondack Honey $10.50
1008 Strawberry-Raspberry Conserve $7.00
1006 Walnuts in North Country Buckwheat Honey $10.50
1010 Wild Blueberry-Apple Conserve $7.00
1023 Bear-Man Tummy Rub $6.50
1020 Build Your Own Basket - Fisherman's Creel $25.00
1021 Build Your Own Basket - Small Bark Basket $10.00
1022 Build Your Own Basket - Large Bark Basket $12.00

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