Featured Products

McIntosh Hot Pepper Jam
We’ve paired the sweet flavor of our favorite McIntosh apples with hot and sweet peppers to create this unique jam.

Bodum Pebo Vacuum Coffee Maker
No other coffee maker has fascinated passionate coffee drinkers. Its exceptionally effective vacuum brewing method extracts all precious oils of your favorite coffee.

Bodum Assam Tea Pot
The eye-catching Bodum Assam Glass Teapot features an internal stainless steel infuser for loose leaf teas and an ingenious design that can prevent overbrewing at the push of a plunger.

Bodum Stick Blender
When we think of the benefits of using the BISTRO Blender Stick, three things immediately come to mind; it’s easy and fun to work with, it helps make nutritious foods, and it’s easy to clean.
Well Dressed Recipes

Lemon Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookies
2011 Well Dressed Food Recipe Contest entry submitted by Joni H. of Rocklin, CA. Try it and rate it!

Firepit Turkey Meatloaf
This is our favorite meatloaf recipe. The best thing is that no one will know that you used ground turkey instead of ground beef! Our Firepit Grilling Sauce gives it great flavor and keeps it very moist.

Adirondack Crunchy Granola Cookies
These simple cookies bring out the earthy flavor our our granola. Enjoy!
News & Events

We’ve Moved!
We’ve moved! Our Company Store has relocated to a much larger space at 96 Park Street (directly across from our former location). Stop in and check it out!

Build your perfect gift!
We have tons of pre-made gifts & gift baskets in the store, starting under $10! If you want to make your own, just pick any of our unique baskets for only $5 and add any products - we’ll turn it into a fantastic gift for you!