Big Tupper Brewing ‘Microlot’ Coffee Tasting

Linda Vista

On Saturday, November 29th, Big Tupper Brewing and The Well Dressed Food Company invite you to try a free sample of coffee from the “ L I N D A V I S TA ” M I C R O L O T.


A “microlot” is basically a way of classifying part of that greater whole for one specific reason or another. That could mean separating out the coffee from one geographical part of a single farm, or one farmer’s haul apart from his fellow co-op members’ crop, or even a single day’s harvest or process.

A fantastic microlot is, in essence, the grand cru of caffeine.

Alejandro Barilla is the proud owner of the Linda Vista (“Beautiful View”) finca. He represents the 4th generation of his family that has been producing quality coffee. The Linda Vista finca is located in the Cangrejal region of Tarrazu at approximately 5,100 feet above sea level. Alejandro’s annual production is 13 bags on average. Over the past 5 years his coffee has gained acceptance from the specialty coffee market and has allowed him to command a higher premium for his beans. In addition to coffee, Alejandro also produces oranges and other types of citrus to supplement the income for his family. With the help of the ASOPROAAA cooperative micro mill and their technical assistance Alejandro has been producing a better & more consistent yield over the last few years. Alejandro values the relationship between himself and the end consumer and is proud to know where his coffee is enjoyed around the world.


Location: Tarrazu, Costa Rica Altitude: 4,921 Feet (1,550 Meters)

Varietal: Caturra, Catuai Process: Wet process

Drying: Patio sun dried Harvest: December – March

Export: March - May